Monday, September 5, 2016

Kamloops Trip

We went to Kamloops and we went to a giant movie complex and saw "The Secret Life of Pets".

We went to one of my favourite restaurants of all time, The White Spot!  I got chicken dippers and fries.

Caileigh got a really cool, awesome make up set and I got a crown so it worked out perfectly to have makeovers.

Me, mommy and Caileigh walked to the park.  Daddy dropped us off at the skateboarding park and they drove to the park while we walked there.  It was really fun and we got to swim.

This is me at the beach that I was talking about before.  Isn't it so cool?  It is so pretty but it got deep really quickly and it was super cold.


  1. Hi Mikayla,
    What a fun way for me to see your summer events and fun times. You sure do some fun things with your family. I'm looking forward to hearing about your year and learning.

  2. This looks like a really cool blog sweetie!! Thank you for inviting me xo

  3. Does Kamloops have a queen, or just princesses?
