Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dear Canada Summer Reading List

Name        Rating
A trail of                    6 stars
broken dreams          
brothers far              10 stars  
from home

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Trail of Broken Dreams

    I read, "Dear Canada: A Trail of Broken Dreams, The Gold Rush Diary of Harriet Palmer."  It all started when Harriet's mother died.  The father had gone to the gold fields so most people that they were orphaned. But of course, they were not because their father was still alive.  Then a horrible woman, named Mrs. Owen took over.  She was so horrible to Harriet and her little sister and brother.  She decided that she needed to find her father.  She dressed up like a boy in William, her younger brother's clothes.  An Indian woman that they knew in the fort brought her some buffalo skin and pemican.  They traveled for days and days and the she met some boys named Talbot, Henry and his brother Joe.  Joe was annoying but once he got to know Henry he wasn't bad.  Talbot was a good friend.  Soon, after Talbot learned she was a girl, she found the gold rush.  She found her father.  They came home with much gold.

     I thought it was a cool story.  My favourite part was at the end was when John Boyd got a certificate for $5 but now days that would be a lot of money!  I learned that the gold rush was a hard time.  They had to travel for hundreds of miles to get to the Cariboo.  Some had the advantage of living in the Cariboo.  That is why I liked this book.

Dictated to Mom

house sold

we sold the house yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!  we found a house!😀👯👍😀😃

Friday, May 26, 2017

Lemonade Stand

We had a lemonade stand.   There were cookies and lemonade.  Ashlynn and Juniper came over.  Emily and Avery came over to buy some stuff.  It was funny because Emily was just grabbing a cookie, then putting in money, rapidly.  It was so much fun.  We each got $2.50.  I tried to teach Avery to crochet but because they had to leave, she decided to play with their Gramma's dog, who they were watching.  Me and Juniper crocheted for most of the time.  Caileigh played with Ashlynn's hair and her Monster Loom.  Our friend, who lives next door, named Clyde came over.  

Fun in the Really Hot Sun

We went to the Maljaars.  They had some really cute kittens.  One was named Tiger Lily.  One was named Blizzard.  Tiger lily was grey with black stripes.  Blizzard was all white with a hint of grey on some spots.  She had big blue eyes.  They seemed to be staring into my soul itself.  Their mom's name was Momma Mia.  The big sister's name was puff.  That's Irelyn's cat.  They also had baby cows that were so cute.  There is a cow named Jade that is still fat but it had already had it's calf.  After that when we came home, we had a campfire.  For a surprise, Ashlynn and Juniper came over.  It was so fun!  We had a million thousand marshmallows.  We each had one hot dog.  I had another weiner.  We got lemonade, cantaloupe, tortilla chips, salt and vinegar chips, and veggies.