Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Trail of Broken Dreams

    I read, "Dear Canada: A Trail of Broken Dreams, The Gold Rush Diary of Harriet Palmer."  It all started when Harriet's mother died.  The father had gone to the gold fields so most people that they were orphaned. But of course, they were not because their father was still alive.  Then a horrible woman, named Mrs. Owen took over.  She was so horrible to Harriet and her little sister and brother.  She decided that she needed to find her father.  She dressed up like a boy in William, her younger brother's clothes.  An Indian woman that they knew in the fort brought her some buffalo skin and pemican.  They traveled for days and days and the she met some boys named Talbot, Henry and his brother Joe.  Joe was annoying but once he got to know Henry he wasn't bad.  Talbot was a good friend.  Soon, after Talbot learned she was a girl, she found the gold rush.  She found her father.  They came home with much gold.

     I thought it was a cool story.  My favourite part was at the end was when John Boyd got a certificate for $5 but now days that would be a lot of money!  I learned that the gold rush was a hard time.  They had to travel for hundreds of miles to get to the Cariboo.  Some had the advantage of living in the Cariboo.  That is why I liked this book.

Dictated to Mom

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