Monday, November 19, 2018


These are my goals from last year.

To save $100.  Still working on this. (June)
To get better at roller blading.  Have been practicing. (June)
To keep working on my book that I am writing.  Still working on this (June)

I haven't saved any money yet.  I forgot I made this goal.  I have gotten much better at rollerblading and am starting to do tricks.  I haven't worked on my book but I have been working lot's on writing projects.

This year my goals are.

1.  Make 2 new friends.  Be friendly and go to Jr. youth.
2.  Find a way to help someone.  Think of someone who needs help and what I can do.
3.  Save $50.  I will do chores and think of a business to start.

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