Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Hiding Place

We read, The Hiding Place.  It was a good book.  It's about a woman named Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie, and their father.  They get arrested for hiding Jews but the father only lives in jail for 10 days after their arrest.  Corrie and her sister Betsie got moved to different camps until they finally came to a concentration camp.  They were treated horribly and they were there many months.  In a few days before they were set free, Betsie died.  It was hard for Corrie to go on without her.  At the end everything Betsie said came true.  She had said they would have a house as soon as they got free, with a beautiful garden, a gallery with a big hall and statues in the hall. The house would be for other people who were hurt in war.  Bestie said they would be set free on new years eve and it happened when she said.    Corrie became a missionary and went to 92 different countries and preached.  She had lots of faith.  Sometimes she didn't think things would end right but a couple of days later they would end right.  This made her faith strong.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps one day you will be able to visit her house in Holland. It is a museum today. She once gave a example of how we can't see the full picture when we look at the threads of an embroidery. When we turn it over, we can see clearly. God is weaving our lives into a beautiful tapestry. She was someone like us who lived everyday for God. Pretty amazing.
