Friday, November 30, 2018

my scarf

I am creating scarfs so I can give them as gifts. It is good for my health emotionally, spiritually and physically.  

Monday, November 19, 2018


These are my goals from last year.

To save $100.  Still working on this. (June)
To get better at roller blading.  Have been practicing. (June)
To keep working on my book that I am writing.  Still working on this (June)

I haven't saved any money yet.  I forgot I made this goal.  I have gotten much better at rollerblading and am starting to do tricks.  I haven't worked on my book but I have been working lot's on writing projects.

This year my goals are.

1.  Make 2 new friends.  Be friendly and go to Jr. youth.
2.  Find a way to help someone.  Think of someone who needs help and what I can do.
3.  Save $50.  I will do chores and think of a business to start.

Friday, November 2, 2018


This was another fun experiment. I took a pancake and I put it in a ziplock bag and filled it up with water. Then I put it in another ziplock bag and squished it until it dissolved.  This was to show how the stomach dissolves the food.   


This was a simple experiment. It was to see how the stomach acids work.  We put a marshmallow in vinegar and waited to see how long it took to dissolve.  It was a fun experiment that you should try😁🙂

This is the time it took to dissolve.

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Habit of Wellness

What effect does aerobic exercise have on the heart and lungs?
-your heart beats faster and your lungs breath faster

What is spiritual health?
-having a healthy relationship with God

Give three examples of decision you make that affect your health?
-dart (Dancing and Art)
-playing with friends

What are two benefits of physical exercise?
-feel good and get endorphins
-look good

What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance?
-muscular strength makes you stronger
-muscular endurance means the ability to keep going

What are three things you need to have social health?
-activities to know people

Friday, September 7, 2018

Layers of the Earth

We made the earth and it's layers out of peanut butter, sugar, and flour.  We made balls and put them in the freezer.  After they were hard we took them out and we cut them in half and hollowed it out and filled it with jam and a chocolate chip.  We melted chocolate over the entire thing.  The chocolate was the earth's crust, the peanut butter was the mantle, the jam was the outer core and the chocolate chip was the inner core.
Then you can eat them.  They were really good.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Science Center

We went to the science centre and looked through microscopes at tiny organisms.  There was swamp water and we would take a dropper and put a bit of water and put it on a glass slide.  We would put it under the microscope and look at what was there.    It was so cool!  I found lots of organisms that had egg sacs and that was gross.  I also learned the parts of the microscope like the eye piece, the slide, the stage and the lenses.

There was also a new exhibit.  There were magnetic pieces that we could move to make a ball drop.  I had fun doing this.

Egg Challenge

For school, I did an egg challenge.  For the first one I took an egg, wrapped it up in 2 cloths, put elastics around it, put a grocery bag on the top and dropped it off the deck to see if the egg broke.  It did.
On the second attempt, I took a pool noodle, cut out 2 pieces, chopped open the top, put the egg in it, wrapped it in elastics, stuffed it with paper towel and dropped it. It bounced off the ground.  When I got to the bottom I opened it and it hadn't broken but then it bounced out of my hand and broke:)

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Soccer Camp

I went to soccer camp for a week.  It was fun.  I won the Most Improved award.  I made a friend Yuliana and it turns out that in 100 Mile house she lived down the road from us and we both moved to Vernon.  I also met Madeline.

Monday, June 4, 2018


This is Avery my garden snail.  Some people think that having a pet snail is weird but it isn't.  It is a fun experience.  They eat fruits and some vegetables they cant have anything salty or citrus.  Calcium
helps keep there shells hard.  There habitat needs to be moist and damp.  They are unisex and they can reproduce themselves.

Friday, May 25, 2018


We got 10 Painted Lady butterflies.  I saw that one of the butterflies had come out of the chrysalis.  I  named it Flick.  Flick is cute but can't fly yet. We think that we can see another butterfly coming out. Butterflies like nectar and they drink it through their proboscis.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Horse and His Boy

     A Horse and His Boy
By Mikayla

The breath taking novel, A Horse and His Boy by C.S Lewis, is the thrilling story of a boy Shasta and a horse stolen from a Tarkan.  Arivis, a princess, took her father’s horse and tried to escape from Calormen to Narnia. On the way she met Shasta and they were almost captured in the city but became separated.  When they finally found each other, they had to cross the desert and there they met a lion. They created an army and defeated Archenland. They then found out that Shasta was actually a prince.

     Shasta was a humble, young slave boy to a fisherman named Arsheesh.   One night he courageously decided to run away with a horse which he nicknamed Bree.  Shasta was scared and worried of getting caught but he was also determined. Sadly, he couldn't take the donkey who had been his friend for the longest time. He was meek about riding and he fell a lot and he was young, so the fisherman took advantage of him but he remained honest.  The way Shasta believed reminds me of Romans 5:1-2, that says, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

       Arivis was a spunky teenage princess who was brave enough to try and escape to Narnia.  After she met Shasta, she tried to act tough and was harsh but she was actually good spirited.  Although she didn’t want to show it, she was timid and scared. She was worried that her father would be mad that she ran away and stole his horse.  Cruelly, she bullied Shasta and made him feel sad. Quinn became worried about her. Arivis finally made it to Narnia and made everyone else feel brave because of her rejoicing.

     Shasta is a brave and honest fisherman's son. Arivis is a proud, strong willed princess. 

 The best part of the book was how Shasta met Arivis and they didn't get along but they 

became friends in the end. I think the Bible verse that goes with this brave story is John

3:16.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 

believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  This is an amazing story that will take

your breath away. Read, and enjoy!  

Monday, May 14, 2018

This is Sam

This is Sam and she is deformed because her chrysalis didn't fully form. She cannot fly very well and  it is hard for her. We are trying to keep her alive by putting her in a netting and giving her artificial nectar.  I hope that she survives and lays eggs so we can keep more butterflies.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Seniors Home Karaoke

On Saturday we went to the seniors home and the lady was doing karaoke.  We got to join in.  I got to go up front and sing.  It was so much fun!

Science Center

We went to the science center and made pop bottle rockets.  It was so cool and fun.  Our rocket didn't go very high but it was still fun to watch.  Others went higher.  One Dad got really soaked.  We used citric acid and baking soda.  The air compressing against the walls on the inside of the bottle made it fly.  It was from air pressure from the chemical reaction.
You take an empty soda/water bottle, put it upside down and add cardboard wings.  Go outside and fill your bottle to the first line with citric acid and wrap baking soda in toilet paper .  Take the baking soda, pop it in the bottle, quickly put in the cork, shake it and watch it fly!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Internet Safety

10 year old Lily Wilson loved to use a chat room. She is very careful with what she says and does.  She does not post any personal information such as her birth date, name,or other personal  information.  She uses a user name (Water Girl) and stays safe but one day some one named Rocket Guy started chatting with her.  He sent her a cute picture of himself. He's 12 and after awhile of chatting he wanted to meet.  She ran to ask her mom and her mom said to call the police.  It turned out that it was a 43 year old man who had planned to kidnap her.
 A few years later some one said some not so nice things about her and she wanted to tell him that he was dumb but instead she told her mom and then she blocked him.  Cyberbullying is a hurtful thing. It can cause permanent damage physically and emotionally. It hurts. Don't do it and stay safe.     

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Pekoes passing

My special birthday fish died.  He was a good fishy friend who is no more.  I'm sad for him😥😩😔.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

migration and hibernation

Today we learned about migration and hibernation. An example of migration is when a bird goes south to get away from the cold.  An example of hibernation is when an animal goes to sleep in the winter.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

fall poem

gentle breeze, 🌳
brushing by the little leaves.🍂
orange yellow red, 🌳
leaves are falling on my head.🍂

Summer Poem

summer night, 🌃
 sky so bright.🌉
all of the stars hover, 🌃
one after another.🌉
sun goes down, 🌃
like a golden crown.🌉
here I lay,🌃
ready for another day.🌉

Spring Poem

Spring is my favourite time of year,🌷
listen closely and the birds you hear.🌼
Gardens sprout,🌷
kids at the park shout.🌼
Flowers bloom,🌷
theres no more gloom.🌼

Saturday, March 10, 2018

energy plex

We went to the energy plex. There was a jungle gym. This is a picture of me and caileigh on the jungle jim.

There was also a climbing wall. This is a picture me climbing the wall. I was the first one to reach the top.

There was a foam pit. This is a video of me jumping into the foam pit.

Monday, March 5, 2018

5 facts about aboriginals

I am going to teach you some facts about aboriginals that i learned from the book called: The First People of the Pacific Northwest.
1.Aboriginals put up nets to catch fish.
2.They also stood on stools in the water and used long nets to catch fish.
3.They would have yearly salmon festivals to celebrate the coming of the salmon.
4.They would leave camp every now and then to start a new one.
5.The grandparents taught the kids all that they would know

An aboriginal legend

In socials i learned about aboriginals. This is one of the many stories that they tell.  Aboriginals would eat salmon and then throw the bones away. The four salmon tribes: sockeye, chinook, coho, and dog salmon came together came together and said our brothers and sisters are being eaten. And so the thought of a and quick plan. So, the sockeye salmon chief went to the river just as the aboriginals were about to catch and eat the salmon. Right as the greedy natives were about to catch the salmon, the sockeye he raised his fin and all of the salmon were gone. He said to them "you are fine to eat our brothers and sisters, but, after your are done you must put their bones into the shape of their bodies and out them into the water. If you don't all the salmon will be gone.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Mental Health

Interview with Mikayla:

How do you stay physically healthy?  I have good physical health because I eat right, drink right, exercise and don't do things that could get me hurt.

How do you stay spiritually healthy?  By praying and reading the Bible.

What is mental health?  Mental health can be things like depression, anger, changes in behaviour and loss of sleep.

What can you do to stay mentally healthy?
Not do drugs, share your feelings and try and get sleep.

What should you do when you are feeling down?
Talk to someone, do something fun and go for a walk.

How does God help our mental health?
He helps us to feel better and think better about ourselves.

Read portions of Total Health
Watched Brain Pop video on: -stress
Watched Brain Pop Jr. video on:  anger

Friday, February 9, 2018


This is me at swimming lessons. I passed to the next level.  When I was in the change room, my friend lily said that everyone in the change room was invited to her birthday party lol😂!  


Friday, February 2, 2018

Vernon Museum

At the Vernon Museum I learned that they soak fleece in brains.  I also learned that they used tiny tools like hoes and pickaxes.  I learned that downtown Vernon used to be chinatown but it burned down and only one building is still standing.


I got to take ski lessons.  The mountain is so rad.  I love it.  It's so much fun.  Walnut and Peanut are my favourite runs.  I like the ski lift and skiing makes me feel inspirational.

Monday, January 22, 2018

This is my fort I made it for school.  It was fun I used hot glue and popsicle sticks It represents fort langly.


A citizen means to be someone who belongs to your community and lives in harmony with everything around you like animals, people and the environment.  Failing to take care of things like animals can have consequences.  When my mom was little a girl she knew wanted a pet rabbit.  Se finally got one but never fed it.  My Mom asked her why and she said she didn't care.  Every day on the way to school she brought carrots and lettuce to feed the bunny and fill up the water but the rabbit ended up dying.  Consequences can be harmful to you and the people around you.
You should do things to help the environment.  You could get together with friends and pick up garbage in your community.  You could also go volunteer at senior's homes and visit people in the hospital.  There are lots of different ways to help your community and be a good citizen.

Monday, January 15, 2018


Today we learned about responsibilities.  There are many different kinds of responsibility like helping people get jobs done, volunteering for things and getting my own jobs done.  We can be responsible with our actions, choices, thoughts and words.  Being responsible means to do things diligently  Diligently means to make good choices and to get things done quick and well.
My goal to be more responsible is to stop and think about what I'm saying before I say it.
I hope you can make good choices too!

I was responsible and made a cake to take to a friends house

Monday, January 8, 2018

How Full Is Your bucket?

The bucket book is about a boy.  His grampa says that every one has a bucket and so through out the day he filled up every ones bucket.  To fill up a bucket he has to help someone and be kind.  I can fill up other's buckets by not hurting,sharing and not being bossy

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Today I learned about light.  Light from the sun makes life on earth possible.  Without the sun, there would be no plants and without plants, there would be no air.  Without both plants and animals there would be no food.  Everything on earth would die and life wouldn't be possible.  Without the sun, evaporation wouldn't be possible, weather wouldn't be possible and neither would we!
We did an experiment where we could see light rays.  It was really cool.

Science Experiment